Retired Police Association Tasmania Inc.

About Us

Membership of the Retired Police Association of Tasmania (RPAT) is open to all police officers of Tasmania Police and other jurisdictions, who have resigned or retired, after having served a minimum of five years. Exceptions are open to members who have been forced to resign or retire, as a consequence of poor health or injury.

We are here for the mutual benefit of members by fostering a spirit of comradeship.

We promote friendly interaction and a spirit of good fellowship by arranging periodic meetings for conversational and social gain.

Our Mission

  • Principles of RPAT

    The guiding principles of the Retired Police Association of Tasmania are that the Association comprises members who share a mutually proud background in delivering quality policing to the community they swore to serve and protect and an ongoing commitment to the fellowship the Association provides.

  • Peer Support

    If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, our hotline is monitored by trained RPAT Peer Support Program members and is available 24 hours a day as a reference service and outreach opportunity, for referral for further assistance. The telephone hot-line number is 0487 623 188.

  • Executive Committee

    President - David Plumpton

    Southern Vice President - Tom Lahl

    Northern Vice President - Jim Byrne

    North West Vice President - Sue Hyland

    Treasurer - Steve Collidge

    Secretary - Gary Eastwood

    Assistant Secretary - Mark Beech-Jones

    Roy Axelsen (Northern)
    Steve Harrop (Southern)
    John Hinchen (Southern)
    Kay Youd (North West)
    Greg Hyland (North West)
    Geoff Johnstone (Southern)
    Pat Lee (Southern)
    John Mikulski (Southern)
    Dale French (Southern)
    Nick Koerbin (Victoria)